Your World With Neil Cavuto : FOXNEWS : February 10, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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ago and thousand there is a late day rally. neil cavuto knows why. he is the king of business. i am shepard smith and will see you tonight at the fox report. but right now, mr. neil cavuto. >> the insurance company, not the hospital, in the charity, will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive carefree of charge without co-pays and without hassles. >>neil: not so fast because moments ago a group say this is all new. talk about birth "out" of control. america's health insurance plan that provides benefits to more than 200 million americans indicate they are not keen being volunteers to provide what critics call an "out," for the

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administration. quoting the press secretary "we are concerned about the precedent this proposed rule set as we learn how this is operationallized. we will provide compensate to the process. the real deal? not a continue deal. and pat, it look like the president's "fix," could have created a bigger mess. >>guest: it has. the insurance company reaction to being ordered by the president to do something they were not accounted by is not helping matters. and the catholic church is not happy. understand what the president has done today, he has nothing -- he is pretending he has nothing to do with this decision. they made a calculation, the white house, this would appeal to suburban women which is the key they believe to re-election, and they have written off white working class voters, catholics, particularly. the problem is --.

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>>neil: but they won the catholic vote. you thing they wrote that off? >>guest: blue-collar catholics and they thought cat electric -- catholic women would go along. i am catholic and almost all catholics i know disagree with the church on con from exception and all catholics are outraged. this is a bigger issue than this. you have two thirds of the country in the poll that believe the biggest threat in this country is big government and what we have, remember, the opposition to health care, which is overwhelming and has been growing and consistent, new, for two years is based on the idea they will run health care, today was an average ofs we will give orders to people how they are doing this, this was not smart or strategic, and i think politically it is a problem. >>neil: and also it sounds

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plain dumb and the cardinal said there was no consultation and he was pat of the small group that would meet with the president and there was in consultation ahead of this bombshell announcement, and, now, we hear from the insurance company there was no consultation from them as to the fix, so, this looks keystone cops. >>guest: the white house believes they are in a position to issue dictums. the president is the most powerful person but it is not a single branch of government. he cannot do it this way and there will be a lot more push back. the problem is the issue was not about contraception. it is about question of religious freedom and government intrusion into fundamental american values, the worse thing that could happen to the president. the other act, and i point this

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out, that will also bite him in the rear end, the support now for super pacs after attacking them. this is, the people who obama voters and the polling i have done, people who were or all obama voters and are unsure of their support, their concern is he promised one kind of politics and has produced another. this stuff of doing everything for re-election, he met with the women, he made this decision, and he met with the church, promised to consult, and they feel betrayed and many obama catholic leaders who supported on health care are upset and now the insurance companies could be everyone's favorite enemy. >>neil: you have good and evil upset here. kidding, kidding. thank you, pat. good to see you. and the fame out.

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here we go. >>guest: good to be with you. it is important to say the american bishops have many supporters of the notion of national health insurance, they want those not insured to be ensured so i don't wasn't the churches to be painted as everything anti-obama but he is taking the right to our conscience and violate it and the press conference today did not change that. but to say up front we have people who support the idea people should have coverage but we do not think beneficial criminal constitute health care. >>neil: so you deliberately and throughout the process, you left that out. >>guest: definite at thisly. >>neil: he tried to find a way to opt out for groups morale offended and just not have to go along, insurance companies would pick up the slack for members.

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and now the insurance companies, or a group is saying this is news to us. >>guest: also, free isn't "free." we are told we will not charge you as churches to provide the birth control and sterilization but we are paying into the insurance companies. the issue is, can anyone of religious value who believes they will violate the values can they opt out? more importantly we part of paying for the insurance that will provide free drugs that we do not agree. >>neil: your premiums go up for courage you do not want? >>guest: in new york state you can say, i don't believe in abortion and i will never get one but when i pay my tax dollars i pay for medicaid funding for abortion and i participate in 43,000 abortions in new york state. the state doesn't say why have the right not to participate if paying taxes and the same thing on a national level through this aspect of obamacare. >>neil: do you think this has

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a feel of you wash your hands and deal with it? catholics can say, or priests or bishops or cardinalses well, we got our way, there is a way that those who work for us can get this coverage but it is not directly from us, at best, it is indirectly from us? >>guest: your guest was on to it. the president is feeling the pressure one of the first issue when you are a liberal conservative you think the president went too far. it is interesting i got someone not "washington post" saying, mr. president you threw us under the bus but news day, not known to be big supporters of church say wait, this is just bad policy. so what he is doing is running scared politically, and it is not good to make policy on the basis of trying to win an election. what is the right thing to do and we believe the right thing is pull back and say we will respect the rights of religious institutions to not participate

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in something they can repugnant. and whether or not most catholics or anyone believes in birth control, this is the teaching of our church and the reality is this: as my jewish friends with say you try knocking israel in the eye and they will say stay away, and most may not agree with the specific religious doctrine but don't take away my right to believe i have a right to object to this program. he is feeling the pressure. taking a political step. for two weeks in most churches around america we have been saying, write to the president and tell him this is wrong. even people what experted president obama will say to me, this guy is all wrong. why is he doing this? a bridge too far. >>neil: so, did you feel squeamish a lot of practicing and nonpracticing catholics felt you went too far, the church, taking to the pulpit was

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interpreted as anti-obama, and you are saying it was not, but a lot of catholics felt they were ... pushed. >>guest: the truth is we are not supposed to endorse particular candidates so if i endorse mitt romney rather than president obama i'm wrong to do that from the pulpit. >>neil: but you cannot blame catholics for thinking. >>guest: we are obligated to teach the teachings of our church. >>neil: what are you teaching this weekend? is this settlement acceptable? >>guest: i go to the cardinal who says let me read the fine print. the american bishops have not come out yet. >>neil: but if the fine print looks like kick the can to the insurance companies which is news to them, it will mean higher premiums for you --. >>guest: i am paying for bitter control and sterilization, and you cannot make me pay for that and that --

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we will fight this. >>neil: so in the end the president is saying this is the best i can do offer it to your employees, to take advantage through the insurance company to cover the plan, you could pay more for the insurance? >>guest: we will fight it. and the supreme court by 9-0 said you have gone too far. the president ends up with a black eye. if not, back off. >>neil: in the end, we are talking about the catholic vote went comfortably for president obama four years ago and you remembership me there is a difference between practicing and nonpracticing catholic but he was popular with both. what now? >>guest: we were tired of the war. tires of bush economics and tired of lots of things republican. it was not a catholic church for president obama. he is, and i don't want to come across as antiobama guy, he is talented and bright, and a

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breath of fresh air back then, but, unfortunately, he has turned into politics as politics. he beat hillary clinton by being antiwar candidate and he has been every bit as involved as george bush. the real man has stepped forward and not what he promised. in terms of respecting religious freedom he has not been that for us. >>neil: i know you do confessions, would his explanation pass muster with you? >>guest: is he telling you the truth? i think he is scared and women guys are caught cheating by their wives they will promise anything and he is hoping not to lose the catholic vote. i don't think it will work. >>neil: why are you looking at me like that? why is mike huckabee sending a big thank you to the president. >>governor huckabee: you

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>> i layed my french horn with the city of fairfax band with the kids listening, and i am personally grateful for his wisdom in not trying to sing as a candidate. he knows his limitations. finally, we have had some great family moments over the last several years. >>neil: she has been seen but rarely heard on the campaign stump and ready to introduce her husband, newt gingrich, at the conference going on in washington, dc, right now. and one of the barn burner speakers joins us, mike

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huckabee, now big shot tv host and a big radio show. what do you make about her speaking now? >>governor huckabee: it is a role that people have wanted to see her play. how is she going to communicate? every potential first lady is going to be viewed like every potential presidential candidate so this was important. >>neil: why now? after such a long time? all the candidates have used their wives extensively. probably no more so than mitt romney. >>governor huckabee: she has been very were part of inreducing mitt at all rallies and she is gracious and worm -- warm and lovely. and i think they decided people need to hear her not just see her. they see her by his side. and it is a smart move on his

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part because she is, i think, a very softening influence on newt and the image he has of this driven individual. so, smart move. and it continues today at cpac. >>neil: this is a tough crowd. they are polite with moderates. they were polite with mitt romney. grow growing if their affection with you, but how do they feel right now? >>governor huckabee: well, first of all, two emotions i have felt. one was there is anger about the overall direction of the country, the trampling of the constitutional freedoms people feel assaulted. second, they are feeling a new sense of optimism and it did not come from the republicans. the optimism is coming from the president who has handed whoever the candidate of the republicans is, handed them a weapon of

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choice. that is, this nutty thing he has done by forcing catholic churches and then insurance companies to pick up the cost. big news to the ensure companies and it will cost all of us, one more example beyond the religious issue which is big and unacceptable. this is about freedom and the government saying you will have contraceptive coverage whether you like it or not. what is next? i have to carry collision coverage on my car? where does it stop? mental health parity? we have to cover drug addiction. >>neil: interesting because we just had a priest on here and he said although this is one step removed and i am not paying for this directly, we are paying. one step removed does not mean

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totally. >>governor huckabee: i provide health insurance for those working for me but i am pro life, i am an objector to pay a penny for one person to have an abortion. do i have the right to say, look, i don't want to provide something that i find morally repugnant and indefensible. and that is the problem with the health care law. this is not just a religious issue but a freedom issue. i don't think this accommodation the president has come out with today does one thing to resolve the big hole he fell into at his own digging. >>neil: what does it say about how he manages the issues? that the fix ends up being more controversial than what it was

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addressing? health insurance do not seem to pleased. i watched this today and i thought i am sure he has run this by the insurance companies because it is a big added cost. >>governor huckabee: and they already feel they were attacked by the obama debate, but they are a business. i am not defending them but you pay an insurance company to cover your risk because if i could sell insure i would, because if i can't i pay someone who charges me on the basis tables, they do not come up with a figure from the clear blue sky but they say this give at his age is this percent likely to have these diseases and cost us this much and we charge accordingly. that is the business model. >>neil: and why they are charging me $5 million a year. thank you very much, governor. the health show this weekend 8:00 p.m. this weekend, and how

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>>neil: what we hear from pro newt gingrich e-mail at the cpac, why didn't he bring out his wife sooner? he introduced her today and she is getting rave reviews for her brief appearance. it is rare we see her, we do not hear her. rare public movement which must be thinking of the impact of the potential first ladies on the race. and my guest says they can hold

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a lot of power. larry? >>guest: whether they admit it, we know the pillow talk factor they have a lot of influence on the president. so we ought to get to know them. >>neil: i think of spouses of any sort can help but they can also hurt, they can help humanize the guy they married to and she tried to do that with the jokes. but how significantly does it move the popularity? >>guest: i would not say it adds points but it helps to fill out a picture of the candidate. we want to know the whole person because we know the personnel elected can destroy all life on earth. it is important to know the real person, the private person, as well as the public person so it is more a matter of filling in the blanks about each candidate.

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we also have seen a long series of first ladies who have had a tremendous impact in one way or another. >>neil: now, michelle obama has higher approval rating than her husband but that is not surprising, a lot of first ladies have. it is interesting, the dichotomy between what we expect or what we traditionally see at a first lady a democratic president as first lady of republican president, nancy reagan comes to mine, a great deal of controversy to her at that time. >>guest: well, in general, and i am generalizing, republicans prefer a more traditional role for the first lady. they say we are not electing her. we are electing him. and we want her to support him but not to set her own policies or individual policies. democrats, you remember bill clinton, two for the price of

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one, and that is exactly what it was. >>neil: and people were saying we don't like either. and then of course it turned out okay for him in the end. and now, mrs. romney, she is the most active of the wives on the stump, she almost always introduced him, peps up the crowd, and she, generally i am told by people who are at the events that she is highly regarded. does that help warm him up or what? >>guest: well, he needs that. put it that way. and to the extent she gets attention she will help to warm him up, whether it is fair or not, mitt romney has the image of robot. you get the impression everything has come easy.

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you mentioned, she has m.s. and has had a your challenge in life and she has had to deal with it. to a certain degree she can humanize him, warm him up and they would be much better off using her to a much greater degree than they have. >>neil: i remember when she was diagnosed he dropped everything to help her and be by her side. you are right, that don't come out. in the case of santorums how does he utilize his wife? >>guest: you saw it at the cpac conference, he hand the entire family arrayed behind him as he was giving the speech and obviously there are messages there about one of the opponents in particular why you had mrs. gingrich introduce him. he can be stiff in public performances and she warms him

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up. it is impossible to be stiff when you have your large family behind you applauding and patting your back and being this for you. so it has help him and we know about the problem with his youngest daughter. again, that is humanized him. >>neil: and ron paul's wife? >>guest: they have been married an incredible number of years i know it is something like 50. a warm, long lasting marriage, kind of the ideal for most people. most people cannot attain it but they would hope to and they like to see that in a candidate for president or, indeed, a president. >>neil: thank you, my friend. potential first lady to the first lady of hollywood, raquel well were. and charles gasparino is reading the fine print on that new mortgage deal.

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>>neil: the ink is barely dry on the mortgage deal and already people do not like the fine print thinking the banks are getting off too easy but my next guest thinks the dead beat homeowners are getting off too easy. making friends left and right. >>guest: you picked out one lane. it is a $26 billion deal. here is the thing.

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if you think about some of the people that do not deserve bailouts, bankers clearly, but the homeowners that bought homes they could not afford and the way the market works you buy some, you cannot go forward, you have to give it back, that teaches you a lesson, creating the consequence so you don't make that mistake again. >>neil: we are not discerning whether they robo copped out, but if you are out you pick up a check. >>guest: the robo signing illegality which is a clerk stamping it, not the legal officer, this is a mortgage division, in arrears for two years or more, that's the sort of barrel they got the banks over. when they establish that is illegal, which it is, you get them to the table and they get them to continue the underwater mortgages and some are on the verge of not paying and part of

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the deal if you read it, they were writing out checks, and there are so many americans, 90 yike of all the mortgages out there, they are not involved in this and these are americans who sat down at their kitchen table, said, okay, here is what i make. here is what i owe. and maybe or maybe not i can afor the home. >>neil: they are not getting $2,000 checks? >>guest: do you know anyone doing the right thing that is getting money? no. >>neil: and the big part the $26 billion, getting $20,000 off your principle. that seems pricey. >>guest: it is not hitting everyone. they are selling this as it will stop the housing crisis. i don't believe that. in order for this to come back up you have to have housing prices come down quicker because you want the matter to hit the natural level. and people will start buying at

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reasonable rices with reasonable borrowing. >>neil: it does not change that equation? >>guest: it creates hazard which is the consequence to no risk. no consequence of taking risk. the positive is we at fox business network broke this story. >>neil: on my show. quite an honor. is it a done deal? >>guest: it is done. the way this worked, and, this took more than a year. there were many imminent announcements along the way. you had to put together 50 state attorneys, which they did, 4950 and the hold out just came back in and the hud secretary put the screws to new york and california and the big held out, if you did not have california, you have a lot of underwater mortgages in california. and here is the deal, they difficulty last week, -- they

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did it and it is done. >>neil: an intern. an interview. a president. and, again, an obsession with the 60's at a time americans are gobbling on the hit show glorifying the 60's and marveling at an icon from, you guessed it, a 60's. a stunner then. stunning now. get ready for raquel welch. ♪ oh, it was the first time i fell in love ♪ ♪ the first time i felt my heart ♪ [ man ] people say i'm forgetful. [ horn honking ] ♪ ...all through the night [ man ] maybe that's why we go to so many memorable places. ♪

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>>neil: a banana republic will debut a new ad man campaign and my next guest was an icon during those days and raquel welch is still a hot commodity and the next four days when new york's

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lincoln center kicks off a tribute to her films and her impact on our culture. before but the big to do, raquel welch, here and now. congratulations. >>guest: thank you very much, so nice to see you, neil. >>neil: were you surprised they were planning this? >>guest: i was bowled over, i said, me, you got to be kidding, right? >>neil: four days. >>guest: it is actually five, 10th, 11th,12th, 13th, and 14th. >>neil: you got to watch some of these guys. >>guest: they did show some of the film clips including "last of sheila," and those things. and "one million b.c." >>neil: classic, classic, i

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was listening to some of the folks at lincoln center and putting this together, they said you have, you are for more appreciated. >>guest: i was associated with the 60's which helped me, you know, get discovered because i was a different kind of a sex symbol. up to that point, really, it was marilyn monroe and soft and pliable and submissive, and my sort of "boom," sex symbol, legs and ready to rock, that was a little more independent and a lot women and maybe men, too, saw women were getting more aggressive and more independent more active just physically active. >>neil: one thing i noticed in

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the media you did not do many interviews and i think you kept it right. you didn't want to. >>guest: i didn't do a lot of, what didn't i do? i think i did a lot of press but they never used what i said because they liked the photo. i was a photo op about my physical image and no one cared about inside. but by --. >>neil: a lot of the starlets of the time, there was a lot of embarrassment, with scan californias and i never remember that but. >>guest: i'm not very scandalous but ... no, i am not. but i would not do nude scenes or things there was an expectation if i was a sex symbol, where is the, you know ... it is not is much a philosophy but the way i was

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brought out and how i personally feel comfortable and what i believe in. my father was very strategic. my mother was a lady. and when i was growing up and wanting to be an actress there were no major actresses including marilyn monroe who ever did nude on film. >>neil: could you ever get past the beautiful part? i deal with this in my career i tell to people to see the newsman but they see the sex symbol. >>guest: i can see that. >>neil: how did you deal with that, i look to you for guidance. >>guest: there is always a tendency to discount people like, marilyn, too had a problem with being taken seriously but she came at the end of the studio system and i came in the

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ragged, crazy 60's and there was no studio system. so i could not evening -- engineer my career as well as actresses from the early pored. am i boring you? >>neil: nos you avoided politics. >>guest: did i? maybe i did. >>neil: i am saying marilyn monroe, friend of the kennedys, i don't how close. or political causes. >>guest: well ... >>neil: this could have been causes like jane fonda but there was not that with you. >>guest: well, if i did have a political point i would rather them say it. i would just do something that was beyond the lines, i went to vietnam and entertained the troops. >>neil: was that antijane

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fonda. >>guest: no it wasn't. >>neil: could i start a fight between you do? >>guest: we are friendly and cordial. >>neil: do you talk about politics with anyone? >>guest: not in hollywood. >>neil: here. do you like the president? >>guest: do i like the president? well he is an attractive and likable person. >>neil: do you like mitt romney? >>guest: you know, ... oh, boy, you are trying to get me. >>neil: he is physically a good looking man, like you with good genes. >>guest: there is an interesting thing happening with the conservative debates and how many people we have to choose from and rather than feeling like there is mud slinging i feel like we are get dog know our candidates better. that is good. >>neil: so the republicans that worry --. >>guest: there is a point where it crosses a line but we do, we are educated by this process. too many times a total stranger

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without any background or anything we can hang our hat on comes along with charm. and a silver tongued devil thing, and seems self possessed and it is almost like he should be, i don't know, talk show host or movie star. >>neil: i was told and i am like this, too, you do not eat junk food. >>guest: well, not when i am going to appear at the show or lincoln center. >>neil: everything is healthy? >>guest: that is right. >>neil: no junk food? >>guest: yes, i do pig out on everything. i would end up at i-hop. i am so into this. >>neil: we are so similar it is cra. >>guest: love that kind of food. comfort food. but can i say one last thing? i missed your 15th anniversary on fox but i have news, $15

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million i found out today, is the number of wigs, 15 million wigs we have donated to the american cancer society for women suffering from air loss. i'm very proud of that fact because, well, went you be? >>neil: i would. more significant than me bragging about my 15 years. well, not quite. raquel welch thank you very much. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. . i'm in a tricky situation here.

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i'm bidding on a 1979 dukes of hazzard lunchbox, but my auction ends in 15 seconds ! even worse, my buddy's bidding on the same lunchbox. it's airbrushed ! but i've got verizon 4g lte. it's so fast that i can outbid him at the last second. i got it ! yes, i won ! woo hoo ! it's got a thermos ! rely on verizon 4g lte. because only the fastest survive.

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>>neil: and do any of you remember this? >> by the mid-2030's i believe we can send humans to orbit, mars, and return safely. and landing on mars will follow. and i expect to be around to see it. >>neil: now, a report that nasa is about to slash funding for anythings to mars and exploring other planet. a former nasa administrator, the details are not out but we are getting wind of the fact that he will be pulling back on nasa funding, and you argue figure that touches nasa after being hacked already is not good. >>guest: especially the area of mars exploring, a crown view wells of nasa. not only is it a great science as indicate by the national academy of science, but, also, it is part of nasa that the public gets into and that is important for kids to be excited about. >>neil: what i don't understand, now, what are we

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doing? if the moon thing is scaled back and the mars thing is off, if other planetary travel is off, what are we doing? >>guest: i used to run the science program, and it is $5 billion program a year, and i am hearing that the cuts to mars could be on the order of a few hundred million. that is the level of 3 percent or 4 percent, and when i was running the program mars was the highest priorities, the last place i would go to find that money. >>neil: what has happened in this seems to be a crowning achievement that the government did right woring with private contractors notwithstanding accidents and we have dropped the ball and given it to the chinese and the koreaians. >>guest: that is important the i grew up if the 60's, dating me, where american did things.

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you bought electronic parts made in america. and i have seen the over pollution from us leading in every field to us leading in only a few things. i got news, we lead in mars exploring, the only country on earth that has demonstrated capability to land on mars safetily, one of the most interesting planets in the solar system. and we are giving that up? why get it. >>neil: thank you, ed. the president is about face -- because catholics got in his face? sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go.

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4:56 pm

4:57 pm

[ woman speaking indistinctly over radio ] home protector plus from liberty mutual insurance... [ alarm blaring ] where the cost to repair your home, replace what's inside, and stay somewhere else if you need to are covered. because you never know what lies around the corner. to learn more, visit today. ♪ ♪ >> neil: well, apparently it is not just the economy, stupid. judging from the president's little mea culpa at the white house today. it's also about losing our bearings, stupid. losing our moral compass is

4:58 pm

one thing. but it matters more than experts say. more than even the president thought. what else could explain a slight reversal today? or think about it. rick santorum resurge this past week. now in rick's case, some might call it an anti-romney thing. but i think it's a much bitter thing. there is more than just remarkable timing thing. the administration out of the blue effort to clamp down on catholic hospitals and providers on contraception thing. the white house gave birth to a monster on this one. i'm not saying this as a catholic, which i am. i am saying this as a human being, which i am more. as a human being, i kind of resent the way the government cavalierly decided the issue of birth control. permeated matters of church and state. the equivalent of demanding bull scout about girls or girl scouts learn about boys. apparently a lot of voters in minnesota, colorado, agree. exit polls showing many went

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for santorum did so because they felt he morally spoke to their worries and the unique ethical concerns. that is not to say that santorum is the answer, or romney is not. just the issues of heart, maybe even the soul matter a lot. that a government can tell a private institution that it's morally opposed to do worries folks a lot. they say the president was rallying his base. ironically the contraception controversy may have just lost them. he tried to win it back today. a way for those offended to opt out. it might be too late, mr. mr. president. so many of those you long counted on already have. all right. that will do it here. in one hour from now on fox business, the president getting ready to release his 2013 budget. why former reagan budget director david stockman is worried. ry

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.