The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (2024)

One of my favorite parts about a baby’s development is when they start with solids. I was afraid to start with baby led weaning but once I did I fell in love with it. I want make it easier for with this baby led weaning guide and make you feel confident in your journey.

if you are wondering what Baby Led Weaning is and if this would be a good choice for your family then read on. The baby led weaning guide will show you how to cut your foods for safety, what food to feel your baby and how to feel confidence and provide you the tools to prevent choking.

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (1)

baby led weaning guide

I’m hoping to provide you will the answers to all of your questions about starting solids and using the Baby Led Weaning (BLW) method.

I hope that when you leave this page and finish reading this baby led weaning guide you will feel confident about the BLW method and be able to decide if Baby Led Weaning is the right path to solids for your family.

What is Baby Led Weaning?

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (2)

Baby Led Weaning, simply means starting your baby with table food when they are ready to start solids.

Some people skip puree foods altogether and go straight to BLW.

I didn’t do one or the other, I did a combination of both purée foods and BLW. Having both options was very convenient for me and my traveling family.

baby led weaning can get messy and when I’m in the middle of a basketball game where I don’t have a table and splash mat and all other supplies to make BLW work, homemade purées in reusable pouches were my go-to food.

Baby led weaning guide means involving your child in your routines and foods you eat and customs in a safe way.

when we were out and about with family at a restaurant and I didn’t have any purées in the diaper bag, it was very convenient to be able to order an avocado or some type of food off the menu to feed him – even just give him a little bit of what I was ordering.

Both methods allowed me to feed my baby no matter where we were. The good thing is that you don’t have to choose between one or the other. You can always do both.

Follow the baby led weaning guide steps and feel confident in your journey!

When can I start Baby Led Weaning?

You can start BLW when your baby is ready for solids. There are 3 main signs that shows when a baby is ready for solids.

the most common one is when your baby starts to take an interest in the food you have in your plate or hand. Some babies, (like Manny did)will try to take the food off your plate.

Signs your baby is ready for solids

  • Your baby can sit up straight (unsupported)
  • your baby can grab food with his hand and put it in its mouth
  • Babyhas lostthetongue-thrust reflex and does not automatically pushsolidsout of his mouth with his tongue.
The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (3)

Can a baby choke using BLW method?

No matter what method you use there is always a risk of choking. So read, learn and keep on reading…

Some people are scared to do BLW/ Baby Led Weaning because they are afraid their babies can choke.

To be honest, I was too.

But once I learned that choking with BLW is not higher than choking using purees.

Learn to cut the food the right way, and don’t wait too long to start using BLW method and you will be fine!

Research says infants who do BLW aren’t more likely to choke than those who do not.

I also ready somewhere that choking happens more on kids that are running around and not sitting at the table. Always make sure you instill good habits from the beginning when it comes to eating.

#1 rule in my house: We eat food at the table sitting down.

The key to feeling comfortable with BLW is understanding how a baby learns how to eat and then evaluate if BLW works For your family.

The choking-reflex/gag-reflex for babies is very close to the front of their mouth and not so far back in the throat as adults have it.

This makes learning to eat so much easier and safer as your baby learns how to move the food around with his tongue.

not sure about you but learning that their gag reflex is not as far back gives me a piece of mind.

Once I learned this fact, I was more confident in the BLW method and willing to try it at home.

What happens if my baby gag?

Gaging is part of learning how to eat, but too much gaging is not good.

Gagging is nature’s way of protecting your baby’s airway and a normal response to new tastes, temperatures, or textures.

Remember, they are learning how to eat.

According to Diane Bahr author ofNobody Ever Told Me (Or My Mother) That!, says to be thankful for that gag reflex as babies learn from it!

As babiesgrow, the reflex shifts even farther back. By ten months of age, somethingmust touch the back third of the tongue to elicit the gag.

By 10 months they should be able to learn how to eat as the reflex moves farther back. This means, do not delay giving textured foods so that they take advantage of the gag reflex being so close to the front of the mouth to learn how to handle different food and textures.

If your baby is having trouble when eating (regardless of being spoon-fed purées or doing BLW) and is gaging multiple times within a feeding, he may be having difficulty coordinating mouth movements to safely managing solids, which can lead to serious complications.

if you notice this, talk with your pediatrician so he can refer you for a feeding evaluationto determine why he’s having trouble eating.

baby led weaning guide: your First Meail

Deciding that BLW is something you want to try at home, there are things to Learn before we start the BLW journey.

  • What foods are allowed to feed a baby according to his age
  • What supplies are needed
  • How to cut the food properly for BLW

Choosing the right supplies, cutting the food the BLW way and letting your little one explore the textures is the best way to start solids.

Food before one is all about playing with textures and different flavors and learning how to move food around. Your baby’s main source of nutrients should still be breastmilk or formula, so if at first your baby is not eating much but instead just “playing” with the food, know that it is ok. You want them to explore.

Allowing your little one to explore different textures and flavors through sensory play with food will result in training fewer picky-eaters.

Baby Led Weaning First Foods

These are some of our favorite baby led weaning guide meals.

  • Roasted sweet potato wedges
  • Roasted apple wedges, skin on to help them hold together
  • Roasted or steamed broccoli florets (big enough for baby to hold)
  • Melon slices
  • Banana with some of the peel still on
  • Toast sticks with mashed avocado
  • Avocado spears
  • Lamb, on the bone or a large piece for baby to suck on
  • Dark meat chicken, on the bone or a large piece for baby to suck on.

Foods to avoid while doing BLW

You want any foods you offer to a baby while doing baby-led weaning to be soft enough to squish between your fingers. Plan to avoid:

  • Anything hard, sticky, or crunchy.
  • Foods with obvious pieces that could break off and get stuck in the baby’s mouth.
  • Added salt
  • Cow’s milk: Stick with breast milk and formula as a primary beverageuntil your baby is a year old. It’s fine to use cow’s milk in cooking or baking, though.
  • Added sugar
  • Honey: It can cause botulism, a serious illness, if introduced too early.
  • Super slippery foods that would be hard for the baby to hold
  • Nuts, Popcorn, Whole Grapes,and Globs of Nut Butter: These foods are choking hazards

How to Cut Food for Baby Lead Weaning

it Is great that you decided to do BLW, you will see that answering “what to feed my baby” becomes an easier answer because you just feed them what’s on your plate.

First, you want to start with foods that are soft and easy to dissolve in the mouth. Think about steamed apples, pears or even ripped bananas. I bet you can put those in your mouth and eat them without using your teeth.

You can start with smaller pieces of food in a small cubed shaped.


Once they get better at eating those softer foods I then moved to foods that were a little bit harder in texture.

the trick with these is to cut them in strips like a finger. This allows your little one to grab the food easily.

with bananas, you leave part of the skin on so that your baby can have a grip on it.

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (4)

What happens if they eat a steamed apple and they get a chunk of apple that’s too big? Most likely they will probably spit it out because they won’t know what to do with it.

At least not yet.

After all, they are just starting to learn to move their food around their mouth.

Most foods are fair game at this age, including meat, poultry, cheese (shredded), and allergens like eggs, nuts (never whole, but a little smooth nut butter stirred into a purée or spread on toast), and fish.

Toasts are another excellent vehicle for introducing new foods and flavors. Because while we don’t want foods to be too hard, we also don’t want them to be too soft and gummy. Bread can be difficult to pick up and can turn into a ball of mush in a baby’s mouth. But, lightly toasted bread is ideal for self-feeding.

enna Helwig

baby led weaning essentials

Some of the items here are affiliate links what I can honestly say is that I’ve used every single product listed.

I believe baby lead weaning essentials are the same as the weather. It is not that it is bad weather outside, it is that you don’t have the proper outerwear for it.

It is the same with BLW, you can do it and is easier to deal with the mess that comes from dealing with it if only you have the right essentials.

Easy to Clean High Chair

Your baby will grab the avocado and smash it all over the tray, then grab everything within reach with their hands. I had a plastic high chair that has no cloth or any fabric that made cleaning and disinfecting so much easier.

See more available colors

360 Degree Bib

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (5)
The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (6)

This is not the real name for them. The real name is just a burp cloth. I call them 360 degrees because is the only bib that goes around and protects even the shoulders.

Yes, you want the shoulders covered because what happens when the baby turns his head sideways and wipes his face with the T-shirt sleeve? Yeah… happened more times than I could count for and ruined a few shirts until I found and invested in this.

See all available prints

Plate with bottom suction

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (7)

these babies are strong and after wasting my time with so many plates with suction in the bottom there’s was only one brand that was strong enough to hold the plate and food in-place. Nothing worse than serving a perfectly balanced meal, only for your toddler to explore his cause and effect developmental milestone and throw it all on the floor the moment you turn around.

The best suction plate

Splat Mat

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (8)

A splat mat is essential to make clean up easier (unless you have a dog that eats table food – then you won’t notice all the food that gets thrown down to the floor).

If you don’t have such a pet, Then it is recommended to get a mat to put under the highs chair to collect all the food. An affordable option is a Vinyl Table Cloth. These are at the dollar store or at Walmart for less than $3.

See Amazon Splash Mat

Disposable Place Mats

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (9)

When you want to do BLW and are on-the-go like a restaurant a disposable mat is the best! These have a sticky in the back that allows the placemat to stick to the table and when done you can dispose of them with all the fallen food – like magic! Like nothing happened! (The ran away fast before the waiter sees the mess on the floor…. just kidding, just pick up a bit, smile and run)

Shop BPA-FREE disposable Mats

Steamer Basket

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (10)

Steaming the veggies will make them soft and easier to eat. At the beginning of your BLW journey, you will be steaming A LOT. So having a steamer basket makes the job a lot easier.

I have an instapot, so this is my prefer steamer choice.

Shop steamer basket

baby food chart FOR introducing solids

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (11)

Keep handy the list of foods that you should stay away from before the fists year, and the ones that can be introduced slowly before one.

Download this guide and keep it on your refrigerator door or see the online baby food chart for introducing solids

BLW Recipe Menu Guide

The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (12)

It is hard sometimes to think about what can you feed your baby, so if you need recipe ideas on what to feed your little one for BLW a BLW recipe guide should come in handy!

100+ Recipe Ideas for BLW

Are you ready to start your BLW Journey?

Starting your little one on solids can be a scary process but once you start you will see a joy into every bite! How your little one explores each flavor, texture, and smiles when you present new food will bring you a joy you didn’t know you could feel. Something so simple as food can bring them so much joy – and you, mama… is the source of that joy!

You got this! now go and make some yummy food!

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The Ultimate baby led weaning guide - Kid Activities with Alexa (2024)


What do pediatricians say about baby-led weaning? ›

Pediatric experts now recommend starting solid foods at 6 months. Most 6-month-old infants can grasp food, bring it to their mouth, chew and swallow. These skills mean babies can more independently feed themselves while weaning from human milk or formula nutrition.

What age to start baby-led weaning? ›

You may start baby-led weaning at around 6 months of age, which is also the age you would traditionally introduce complementary foods via spoon-feeding. At this age, your baby will most likely be able to sit unsupported, bring food to their mouth, and chew and swallow—all things that are important for self-feeding.

What is baby-led weaning formula? ›

The overarching principles of BLW are therefore: the infant is milk fed, ideally exclusively breastfed, until approximately six months of age, they then transition to pieces of whole food that they feed themselves, and the infant shares their meals with the family, eating the same food as the family wherever possible.

Is baby-led weaning worth it? ›

First, there are the benefits for families themselves. Studies have found that families practicing baby-led weaning tend to eat more often together. They also find mealtimes calmer and less stressful. Meanwhile, mothers who do BLW say they feel less pressure and worry around weaning than those who traditionally wean.

What are the arguments against baby-led weaning? ›

Some parents worry that baby-led weaning is more likely to cause their baby to choke than spoon-feeding. Emerging evidence suggests that baby-led weaning may result in more gagging as babies get used to swallowing but no increased likelihood of choking . Baby-led weaning can be messier than spoon-feeding.

What is the bliss method of baby-led weaning? ›

The BLISS method is a baby-led weaning approach that minimizes choking risks and ensures good nutrient intake. Using a low-pressure approach and exposing your baby to different textures may help reduce pickiness.

What is the 4 day rule for baby-led weaning? ›

The “4 Day Wait Rule” is a really simple way to check for possible reactions to new foods such as food sensitivities or food allergies. Remember that in addition to possible allergic reactions, foods can also cause digestive troubles like tummy pains, painful gas or even poop troubles.

What is the first food to give a baby? ›

Most babies' first food is iron-fortified infant single-grain cereal mixed with breast milk or formula. Place the spoon near your baby's lips, and let the baby smell and taste it. Don't be surprised if this first spoonful is rejected. Wait a minute and try again.

Why is BLW better than purees? ›

Baby-led weaning often exposes babies to a wider variety of foods, textures, and flavors [1], which may help to reduce picky eating behaviors later on: a huge win! Greater exposure usually leads to greater acceptance of foods in toddlerhood and beyond.

When to give baby an egg? ›

So, when can babies eat eggs? Start offering eggs around the same time you start your baby on solid foods, after 6 months of age. Your little one's menu can begin with purees and very soft food (like infant cereal) and then expand to include more textured foods, such as eggs, fruits, vegetables, and meats.

How to serve banana BLW? ›

Grab and Eat: Cut the banana in half and peel back a portion of the top so baby can easily hold onto the skin section and gum the soft flesh. This recipe is very popular with BLW and I love to use it with babies who are progressing well with their fine motor feeding skills.

What are the warnings for baby led weaning? ›

Because baby-led weaning exposes babies to foods with different textures, you should avoid serving up foods that are choking hazards. These include: ​Firm, round foods, such as whole berries and whole grapes. Hard, crunchy foods like tortilla or corn chips, popcorn, nuts.

Can you mix purees and baby-led weaning? ›

Caregivers can offer purees or mashed foods, and finger foods in the same meals. Combination feeding offers the best of both worlds, allowing babies to experience different textures and flavours while also providing opportunities to learn important oral motor skills.

When should a baby stop taking purees? ›

Stage 3 (typically 10-12 months old, but may occur sooner): At this stage, you can slowly replace purees with soft, chewable chunks of food, and offer your baby more finger foods that they can pick up and feed themselves.

How many times a day should you do baby-led weaning? ›

Huckleberry tip:
6 months1 solid meal per day
7 - 9 months2 solid meals per day
10 - 11 months3 solid meals per day
12+ months3 solid meals, 2 snacks per day
May 30, 2024

What are the warnings for baby-led weaning? ›

Because baby-led weaning exposes babies to foods with different textures, you should avoid serving up foods that are choking hazards. These include: ​Firm, round foods, such as whole berries and whole grapes. Hard, crunchy foods like tortilla or corn chips, popcorn, nuts.

Is baby-led weaning a new concept? ›

In contrast to the traditional model, the British nurse Gill Rapley developed a new approach to food introduction in 2008. This method is called Baby-Led Weaning (BLW), considered an alternative that encourages self-feeding after the sixth month of life.

Is baby-led weaning better than spoon-feeding? ›

Spoon-feeding provides an opportunity for infants to develop oral skills necessary for safe management of solids and may facilitate intake of iron-rich foods at weaning, whilst baby-led weaning promotes greater participation in family meals and exposure to family foods.

Which is better, baby-led weaning or traditional weaning? ›

Conclusions. Infants fed by the BLW method were more likely to have their diets expanded after 6 months of age, they were also more likely to be given products from the family table than children fed traditionally with a spoon.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.