‘Survivor 44’ finale recap: Did Carolyn, Yam Yam, Carson, Lauren or Heidi win the $1 million prize? [UPDATING LIVE BLOG] (2024)

‘Survivor 44’ finale recap: Did Carolyn, Yam Yam, Carson, Lauren or Heidi win the $1 million prize? [UPDATING LIVE BLOG] (1)

After months of life-threatening injuries, fake birdcage idols and cutthroat betrayals, the Top 5 contestants of “Survivor 44” entered the final stage of competition on Wednesday night. The original Tike tribe came into finale night with a hefty numbers advantage as they still had three players (Carolyn Wiger,Yamil “Yam Yam” Arocho and Carson Garrett) compared to one each for Ratu (Lauren Harpe) and Soka (Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt). So which castaway ended up being anointed as the latest $1 million winner by host Jeff Probst?

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Below, read our minute-by-minute “Survivor 44” finale recap/live blog of Episode 13, “Absolute Banger Season,” to find out who won on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. Then be sure to sound off in the comments section about your favorite castaways on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and what you think of this latest addition to the “Survivor” winners list.

SEE‘Survivor’ deaths: Full list of castaways we’ve lost

Keep refreshing/reloading this “Survivor 44” live blog for the most recent updates.

8:00 p.m.– “Previously on ‘Survivor’!” In the 12th episode, Carson, Lauren and Yam Yam won the reward challenge, which gave them entry into the Survivor Sanctuary. They discussed the possibility of ousting Carolyn, while back at camp, Jaime Lynn Ruiz, Heidi and Carolyn talked about voting out Carson. Lauren won the immunity challenge, which secured her a spot in the Final 5. At tribal council, despite Yam Yam appearing to waver over his loyalty to Carolyn, he joined the majority in sending home Jaime. Enough about last week — it’s time to get to the Season 44 finale!

8:02 p.m. – With Heidi playing her idol at final 5, everyone was surprised that she played it, but not surprised that she kept it a secret. The late us of it meant that there was a chance a new one was placed into the wild to be found so Carolyn urged Carson to start looking with her that night. Carson insisted that they wait until the next morning instead because they don’t need to worry too much since they have the majority of votes. Sure enough, the next morning the group went on the hunt for the new idol, but no one was seen finding it despite them all hovering around the tree where it was tied to a branch.

8:08 p.m. – Ahead of the immunity challenge, Lauren and Carson had a one on one conversation where they acknowledged that they each feel like the target for the next vote. They both believed themselves to be the biggest threat left in the game and that the other three will want to get one of them out.

8:14 p.m. – At the immunity challenge, the final five found themselves at a three-level obstacle where they’d need to collect keys in order to climb a ladder to a tower where there was a final puzzle for them to finish in order to secure a spot in the final four. In the challenge, all five got to the first key at the same time before Carson and Heidi pulled ahead in the second stage and remained neck and neck all the way to the puzzle. As the front two worked on the puzzle, Lauren and then Yam Yam caught up while Carolyn struggled to get her final key. She eventually got it and made it to the puzzle with a slim chance of winning. by this time, Carson had pulled ahead and was assembling his puzzle from the outside in, eventually squeezing the final pieces through the center and winning the all important immunity challenge!

8:22 p.m. – In addition to winning immunity, Carson earned reward to visit the Sanctuary for a special lunch and the decision to bring only one person along with him. Carson chose Yam Yam as his guest and so they went to reward while the three women returned to camp.

8:29 p.m. – At their lunch, Yam Yam addressed his issue that Carolyn is their biggest threat and that they should consider getting out. Carson pushed back, but Yam Yam said that Carolyn minimized how in control she was during the game and Carson acknowledged that the jury will love an underdog. Carson countered that the Tika three have their best shot at winning against each other than sitting next to Heidi and Lauren who potentially have more friends on the jury. In the end, Carson insisted that they go for Lauren, leaving Yam Yam hoping that leaving Carolyn in the game isn’t a decision that “bites me in the ass.”

8:31 p.m. – Back at camp, Heidi told Carolyn she’s surprised that Carson didn’t bring her along for the reward because she saved him with the idol, but Carolyn remained unbothered. At this point, Lauren was convinced that all the votes would go against her, but offered that all they could do was bind together as women and vote Yam Yam out. Lauren told Carolyn that Yam Yam was using Carolyn as the plan B which made her feel unsure about whether Yam Yam would be making a move against her.

8:33 p.m. – When the men returned from their lunch, Yam Yam could immediately sense the tension at camp, especially from Carolyn who was acting more awkward than usual. Carson made it clear to Carolyn and Yam Yam that he’s voting for Lauren because of the jury, but Carolyn said “we need some Tika on the jury.” That made Yam Yam feel like she may be going for him. Later, Carson acknowledged the weirdness that something might be up between the women, but considered that it would be dumb of Carolyn and Heidi to want to sit next to Lauren. Still, Carson thought it might be a good idea to try to get Lauren to vote for someone other than Yam Yam in the off-chance that Lauren plays an idol.

8:38 p.m. – Lauren went on a last ditch effort to find the new idol, but we did not see her claim it. Ahead of Tribal Council, Carson got more and more nervous that Lauren may have found the idol and so he went back and forth about whether they should target Heidi instead just to be safe. He said he felt like he always knew where the votes would go, but this time he was more nervous than usual.

8:43 p.m. – At TC, Jeff pointed out the obvious that because of his immunity win Carson was the only one safe to make it to the final four and would no longer be subject to a vote. Lauren laughed it off and admitted openly that she’s “probably going home tonight,” explaining all the reasons why. She said no one came to speak to her, saying it’s weird that no one seemed to care even that they were sending a juror out and they didn’t want to connect with her. Heidi and Carolyn were surprised at what Lauren was saying because they both felt like they made attempts to speak options with her. The more they talked, even Jeff admitted that he couldn’t tell if Lauren was being genuine or if it was all a ruse she was playing to make it sound like she doesn’t have an idol. Yam Yam said it’d be amazing if she played an idol, but unfortunate because he sees himself as the plan B in the situation that an idol is played for Lauren. Before the vote, Lauren made a passionate speech about how proud she is of the growth she made as a person in her time in the competition and that her children are going to be proud of her for everything she’s accomplished.

8:50 p.m. – After the votes were cast, Lauren joked briefly that she had an idol, but ultimately did not. No one else did either so Jeff read the votes: Yam Yam, Lauren, Heidi, Lauren, Lauren. On Lauren’s way out, we saw that Yam Yam cast the vote for Heidi, assuringly in the off chance that an idol was played they could break the tie to Heidi instead of him.

8:57 p.m. – On Day 25, the final four made their way to the site of the final immunity challenge on a platform overlooking the entirety of their place in Fiji. Carolyn was overcome with emotion because of what the moment meant for all that she and the others have achieved in the game. Their challenge was a classic, the ball shoot where they’d have to play with only one hand, dropping more balls into the shoot until only one player was left standing with the balls never dropping. As the winner, they’d have the only choice at TC to send two people to the final three and the other two to the fire-making challenge to earn their spot.

9:00 p.m. – All four players made it through the first phase of the challenge where they only had one ball. Once the second ball was placed, most of them did their best to evenly space the balls away from each other while Carolyn very obviously was placing her balls too close to each other. Eventually that lack of strategy caught up to her and she dropped one of her two balls. The other three all made it to four balls, but it proved too quick for Yam Yam and he dropped in third place. Carson remained calm with a good pace, but seemed to lose sight of one of his balls as it dropped from the shoot, meaning Heidi was the final immunity winner, claiming her first and only in the season. She exclaimed that she’s been so close all season and so it was exciting to finally win one. She also hinted that she’s going to consider putting herself in fire because she knows she needs to pad her resume in front of the jury.

9:11 p.m. – Heidi had to consider the weight of the decision ahead of her – has she done enough to win yet or does she need to further prove herself? She asked the group if anyone wants to make fire, but the Tika three remained indifferent and let Heidi consider it on her own. Of the three, Carson was the least sure about his ability to make fire. He still knew he was the biggest threat and so was convinced that he’d for sure be asked to make fire. That realization made him emotional because he’s been so bad at making fire and lacked the confidence to figure it out. On the flip side, Carolyn and Yam Yam both intimated that they had confidence in their ability to make fire and would welcome the chance to prove themselves in front of the jury. As a friend, Yam Yam was concerned with Carson’s insecurity and decided to help him with tips and pointers about how to be successful at building the fire. Carson saw it as an unexpected move from Yam Yam, but was extremely grateful for his generosity and selflessness.

9:24 p.m. – When the group arrived at Tribal Council, they were shocked to see the immunity necklace around Heidi’s necklace. It was the moment a lot of them had been waiting for — seeing Tika vulnerable to finally have a player taken out. Jeff kicked off the conversation with Heidi’s decision about whether or not she’d be making fire herself. Heidi said she thought about it all day and everyone practiced throughout the day. She admitted that she’s still unsure about her decision and she hasn’t told anyone yet what her decision is. Yam Yam said that they all discussed the success that winning fire would bring to any of them that do it and so that complicates Heidi’s decision because she’d be giving someone else the chance at that success. Carson was the only one among the four that expressed insecurity about their ability to make fire. For her decision, Heidi said first that she’d be sending Carolyn to the final. Next, she said that Carson would be one of the two making fire. Last, she decided to give Yam Yam safety and elected to put herself in the vulnerable position of making fire against Carson.

9:31 p.m. – In the fire making challenge, Heidi very quickly got a small flame in her husk. She was able to start building up her fire as Carson achieved a flame of his home so that he could build as well. Heidi’s flame was already growing to a larger status and began touching the rope it was intended to burn, but Carson’s was growing as well. Before Carson could get significant height to his flame, Heidi’s rope snapped and she clinched her spot in the final three. Jeff confirmed that Heidi made the fastest fire ever in series history, giving her a record in addition to her win.

9:42 p.m. – The next morning, all thoughts were on the pitches each of the finalists would make to the jury. Yam Yam knew he’d have to use his words as a weapon — Kane Fritzler acknowledged him a perceptive and Matt Blankinship called him “the middle man” that straddled the line brilliantly. Heidi saw her journey as “not easy” and that she took risks in order to secure her safety — Carson acknowledged the vulnerability Heidi showed in playing fire and Danny Massa saw Heidi as the one who took out the king. Carolyn was worried that her self doubt would get the best of her in front of the jury, but knew she achieved a lot as a player and would need to convince the jury that her emotions should be taken seriously and respected — Frannie Marin backed Carolyn’s emotional style as an advantage and Lauren appreciated how authentically she played. Jaime Lynn Ruiz called Carolyn’s play masterful because they all believed she wasn’t playing as hard as she was. Brandon Cottom said he wanted fireworks at the Final Tribal Council and to see their hunger to win.

9:53 p.m. – The FTC began with Kane expressing how proud the jury is of the finalists and that all votes are up in the air, urging them to be unapologetic. Yam Yam began by saying it was a misconception that he was following Carson, but Heidi suggested that Tika was riding the wave of Soka, but Yam Yam pushed back saying they knew the vote every single time. Heidi pointed out that once Soka got dwindled down she had to survive within the hole and remain strategic by using a social game in order to remain in the game. Carolyn mentioned her connection with Carson on Day 1 and then the similarities she shared with Yam Yam that made her feel comfortable to be herself, but knew she was being underestimated. Carson said that he’s proud of Yam Yam and Carolyn because they evolved to grow really strong social bonds. Heidi tried to separate herself as being at a low for most of the game while the other two were always in a high. Once again, Yam Yam pushed back against Heidi and then Danny who kept suggesting that he and Carolyn were riding Carson’s coattails. Heidi eventually admitted to using Danny as a shield of her own.

9:57 p.m. – Frannie was the first to bring back the conversation about emotion and how they were managed by the players. Carolyn related the conversation to addiction and how it forces you to keep everything in, so in sobriety and in the game she’s taught herself to release what’s inside. She said her emotion is real, but there were times when she needed to play it up because she knows how it can be a tool to draw people in. Yam Yam said that a lot of the jurors kept a blank face to him when they spoke, saying that he paid attention to how their eyes twinkled when they talked about what they love so that he’d know when they’re lying to him because that realness in their eyes wouldn’t be there. His point was that he used his own emotions, but also their emotions to know what was going on. Heidi talked about coming to the show in order to show young women, both Latina and those who want to be in science, that they can do whatever they want. Lauren thanked Heidi for the control of her emotion because she saw the weight of that responsibility that Heidi felt.

10:02 p.m. – In terms of the physical game, Carolyn told the jury that she sees herself as an athletic person that expected to do well in challenges, but became humiliated by her poor performance. She knew her kids wanted to see her win challenges so it was hard for her to see the failure, but reassured herself constantly that she had to keep positive because it wasn’t all about the challenges. Heidi said Carolyn inspired her to keep trying as well and Carson brought up the position Heidi put herself in to make fire and win that final immunity challenge. Heidi said that she would have no chance to win if she didn’t at least attempt to win the fire challenge and take out the strongest threat to win. Yam Yam said that the physicality of the game was the scariest part for him, but he realized that it isn’t his strength and that at the end of the day he could only be himself and bring authenticity to the table.

10:05 p.m. – In closing statements, Carolyn reminded the jury that she was underestimated and no one expected her to play the idol. She defended her use of the idol because, yes, she trusted Yam Yam, but she didn’t trust Jaime and Lauren and knew she needed Danny out in order to keep control. Danny took offense to that, but Carolyn was able to say that Danny was controlling the other side and was their biggest threat. Yam Yam made his case that he knew he had to target anyone that felt okay voting him in the past because they’d never want to work with him, so his game became keeping the people around that are willing to work with him not against him. Heidi said her strategy wasn’t to fall to the bottom of the numbers, but that required that she keep adapting in the game and figure out a way to survive every vote.

10:20 p.m. – As the jurors went to the booth to vote, we weren’t given a view of anyone’s ballot so the final decision was fully up in the air as Jeff read the votes: Heidi, Yam Yam, Yam Yam, Yam Yam, Yam Yam, Yam Yam. Nearly unanimous for a final tally of Yam Yam the winner, Heidi the runner-up and Carolyn in third place with no votes.

10:26 p.m. – As the post-game pizza party commenced, Danny copped to being the single vote for Heidi, saying that her “big gutsy move” to make fire touched his heart. Frannie explained that Yam Yam “pulled apart the complexity of the game” and applauded the narrative he built for himself at the FTC. Kane commented that Yam Yam had enough control during the game to change the trajectory in his favor.

10:28 p.m. – Jeff asked about idols and who knows they had a fake one. Matt admitted to realizing his was fake. Carolyn described the chaos of her fake idol and having to race back to the cage to replace it and her assumption that Sarah Wade found it. At that point, Jeff turned the direction to Jaime to set up the first disclosure that her idol was actually fake (this is something no one knew until this moment).

10:40 p.m. – Jeff told the group that he was shocked by “Mannie,” the showmance between Matt and Frannie that developed further during their time on the jury. Matt expressed that their chemistry is “uncanny” from their immediate connection on Day 1. Frannie confirmed that they do have plans to hang out once they return to the real world and admitted that they knew it was a bad idea to be so visibly close early on.

10:45 p.m. – Brandon explained how physically taxing the game was because of the lack of food in take and how scary it was for him to struggle at a challenge because of it. Kane added that they push themselves on adrenaline completely and then Carson described how he trained his body in order to gain mass in order to compete on the show. Lauren told Jeff that the thing that broke her down emotionally this season was the reiazliation that she still has room to grow and that maybe she isn’t in complete control all the time.

SEEEverything to know about ‘Survivor 45’: ‘I’m back, baby — let’s go!’

10:51 p.m. – Last, Jeff asked Carolyn what it means to have received no votes. Carolyn got emotional again discussing the self doubt she juggled all season and not understanding how she was being perceived by everyone else. Frannie told Carolyn that she genuinely changed her life because of how “unabashedly yourself” she is because it inspires Frannie to tell her own story. Lauren echoed that sentiment and urged Carolyn to be proud. Heidi said that for her it wasn’t just about winning, but about showing her daughters that she tried her best and took risks no matter what. Yam Yam closed it out by saying how obsessed he was with manifesting his win ever since his first conversation with Jeff during the casting process and saying that he found friends for life among the cast.

10:55 p.m. – As a last look we got our first look at “Survivor 45.” In the clip, we heard the voices of a new diverse cast of culture and experiences, including one person who idolizes villains and Bruce Perreault makes his return already!

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‘Survivor 44’ finale recap: Did Carolyn, Yam Yam, Carson, Lauren or Heidi win the $1 million prize? [UPDATING LIVE BLOG] (2)

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‘Survivor 44’ finale recap: Did Carolyn, Yam Yam, Carson, Lauren or Heidi win the $1 million prize? [UPDATING LIVE BLOG] (2024)


‘Survivor 44’ finale recap: Did Carolyn, Yam Yam, Carson, Lauren or Heidi win the $1 million prize? [UPDATING LIVE BLOG]? ›

The other three all made it to four balls, but it proved too quick for Yam Yam and he dropped in third place. Carson remained calm with a good pace, but seemed to lose sight of one of his balls as it dropped from the shoot, meaning Heidi was the final immunity winner, claiming her first and only in the season.

Why didn't Carolyn win Survivor 44? ›

She made it to the Final Tribal Council, but the jury didn't respect her, and she ultimately lost the game to Yam Yam with zero votes — a harrowing experience that could've defined her Survivor journey but ultimately helped lead to a new career.

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'Survivor 44' winner predictions: Yam Yam, Carolyn and Carson have best odds to win - IMDb.

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After getting outplayed by eventual winner Sarah Lacina in Game Changers, Tony was brilliant against the strongest roster of Survivor players ever in Season 40. Tony Vlachos is the greatest winner in Survivor history.

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The Big Picture

Vecepia Towery and Maryanne Oketch, the only two black women to win Survivor, broke barriers and dominated the game with their strategies and identities. Vecepia masterfully utilized her affability and strategic prowess, while Maryanne proved that being proudly odd and positive can lead to success.

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For teens, Carolyn speaks about her own experience with drug and alcohol addiction at an early age, and wants to encourage parents and educators to consider these addictions warning signs that a teen may have experienced sexual abuse.

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However, like pop star Sia, who symbolized her love by giving Carolyn $100,000, we know the real star of the season was Carolyn. We do not have $100,000, so instead we are granting Carolyn a purely symbolic and ultimately meaningless vote.

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Bruce Perreault (Survivor 44)

Bruce was deemed good enough to go to camp with the others, but later on during the night he felt dizzy and the medics had to be called out again. This time, the doctor determined that he needed to pull Bruce from the game.

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The poll results are in, and it's great news for Tika fans. Carolyn Wiger and Carson Garrett, who originally started out on the struggling Tika tribe, came out on top with the most support. Their third tribe member, Yamil “Yam Yam” Arocho, placed in the Top 5 behind Soka campers Frannie Marin and Danny Massa.

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Arocho prevailed over the other two finalists, Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt and Carolyn Wiger, in the conclusive jury vote, garnering the majority of votes from players he had a hand in eliminating throughout the season.

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  • Players from the best Survivor seasons are often the most popular, like Sandra Diaz-Twine and Tony Vlachos.
  • Not all top Survivor contestants win, showing that playing the game multiple times is key to success.
  • Standout players like Ozzy Lusth and Parvati Shallow maintain popularity despite never winning.
May 28, 2024

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Plenty of the best players, like Cirie Fields, have never won. Maybe the question of greatness can, in some cases, ignore game acumen altogether.

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Typically, each receives around $10,000 for the reunion show. The third-place winner can tack on an additional $85,000 (before taxes), with the second-place adding an extra $100,000. And, as previously mentioned, the first-place winner walks away with the $1,000,000 cash prize.

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Cochran became the third winner in Survivor history to win a unanimous vote, after Earl Cole in Survivor: Fiji and J. T. Thomas in Survivor: Tocantins. He was also the second winner to win a unanimous vote while also never receiving a single vote against him in any Tribal Council, after Thomas.

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The season ended on December 20, 2023, when Dee Valladares was voted the Sole Survivor, defeating Austin Li Coon and Jake O'Kane in a 5–3–0 vote.

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Bob is currently the oldest Survivor winner. Bob was 57 years, 5 months, and 7 days old at the Final Tribal Council of Gabon and 57 years, 9 months and 20 days old when he was declared the Sole Survivor. Bob is the only winner to be born in the 1950s.

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But Carolyn also proved to be shrewder, sharper, and more discreet than her put-it-all-out-there attitude would initially have you believe. She came up with the X plan to skillfully hide the fake idol after opening the Birdcage. She kept her own idol a secret, even from her biggest allies.

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Carolyn celebrated 14 years of sobriety on May 20, 2023. In December 2023, Carolyn announced that she had left her relationship with her husband. In February 2024, ahead of the Survivor 46 premiere, Carolyn and Carson started a Survivor-themed podcast titled "Let's Get Tribal".

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Drug Counselor & Life Coach , Sober Since 5.20. 09.

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